Friday, June 15, 2007

It's official, I will be at the 2008 Romantic Times Convention

The 2007 convention is barely over that we are already planning the 2008 Romantic Times annual event, which will take place in Pittsburgh, PA on April 15 to April 20. It was an easy decision. Not only will I participate, but I will be part of the Faery Court, a group of authors organizing the annual Faery Ball. We are speaking of themes and costumes, decorations, ideas, colors, and I can tell you already that it will be fabulous.

Fae, will you ask? Fantasy often mixes with Science Fiction and futuristic romance, and I don't mind mingling with other talented authors in the Fantasy genre. Sci-Fi was well represented this year, and this new genre promises to make an even bigger splash next year as more publishers are following this popular trend. I will be in good company with Cheyenne McCray, Eden Robins, Tina Gerow, Brit Blaise, and many other great authors, although I may be the only one with a sci-fi theme to my faery costume.

Just for fun, I posted the picture of my costume at the Faery Ball in May. It's a Genie costume. Genies are fairies, too, right? Watch out for next year. I plan to get noticed, but I haven't figure out how a gun toting amazon in black leather fits into a faery theme. I'm not losing faith. Creativity is my middle name.

In any case, it should be fun to se what happens next year. I'll keep you informed and plan on opening a new page on my personal website, just for that particular event.

Have a wonderful day.

1 comment:

Brit Blaise said...

I love that picture of you!